Give Back Through Shopping

Why donate School kits?

Many people and organizations like to donate in kind to support the cause of International SEVA. To facilitate such support, we are adding here the link to Amazon India and Amazon USA to donate school kits to special needs children.

The links contain a list of school supplies that you can shop to donate it to International SEVA. 

India Donation:  Educational Supplies and Music System

In-kind donations to help local low-income autistic, cerebral palsy and down syndrome children residing in remote villages.

Donate to Indian efforts via this Amazon India Link.

List of items in the list –
  1. Multimedia Karaoke with Audio Recording and batteries to be used in the school for daily exercises and the dance competitions.
  2. Craft paper for children’s art and craft projects.
  3. 32” Inch TV will be used for entertainment and as a screening tool for each child’s developmental progress or delays, for constructive music and yoga classes too. The large size will aid children with weak eyesight.
  4. The Seed Pencils are for each child’s use and encourage to plant them. Teach eco-friendly environment.
  5. Jumbo chalk for outside playarea.
  6. Doctor/vegetables sets for educational enhancements and play in the indoor/outdoor tent.
  7. The desktop computer and printer in the classroom will aid teachers in recording keeping, to prepare their curriculum and help introduce technology to these special children.

USA Donation:  Educational and Snacks List + Hygiene Kit

In lieu of cash, credit card or check donation, please consider in-kind donation to help our International SEVA Organization serve local low-income, homeless individuals and autistic, down syndrome children. 

Donate to USA efforts via this Amazon USA Link.

List of items in the list –
  1. Tablet 10.1” with cover and screen protector:  The portable touch screen will be used in the classroom by the teachers to help children communicate and learn new skills.
  2. Watercolor Paint set with wood brushes, colored pencils, and markers:  For children’s arts and crafts Kit to be used at home – motivate children to continuously learn with hand, eye coordination and help in their dexterity.
  3. Socks, combs, shampoo, lotion, soap, wipes for the assembly of homeless hygiene kits.
  4. Food containers and Ziploc bags for preparing and distributing meals.
  5. Healthy snacks are provided for low-income seniors-grateful they can take them for their doctor appointments or in lieu of a meal (when not feeling well or some run out of money before end of the month).